Welcome to the Ellison Elementary PAC and lunch web site. On this site parents will be able to place lunch orders for their children, get involved in other fundraising experiences and post classified ads.
To register:
To use the system, you will be required to register and provide your name, phone number and email address. This site has an SSL Certificate to provide full security of your personal information, and only the information required to manage the lunch program is required. The volunteer site administrator cannot access your password and you select your own user id.
To register for an account click on the “REGISTER” tab on the main menu bar. This will take you to the registration form to create an account for your family. Each family will have one account and each student at the school will be linked to this account. Once you have created your account you will be able to login and edit your contact information and add additional email addresses on your account.
To register, enter the SCHOOL ACCESS CODE - "EEHL" and the other information as required to complete your registration. Once you have registered, you can immediately LOG IN.
Once you log in please enter your child or childrens information under the STUDENT section; First & Last Name as well as their class. Please ensure you have selected the correct class for your child so their lunch is delivered to the correct classroom.
If you registered last year, THANK YOU...but you will have to REGISTER AGAIN, as it is likely that you child's class has changed and it is safer to delete everybody and start fresh than to hope that all the children have been put into the right classroom. Thank you for your assistance.
Please Note:
Online orders must be in by midnight, the Sunday preceding the hot lunch date.
Orders cannot be made if there is a balance greater than $5 owing on the account.
Payments of cash and cheques may be made to the school with a printed remittance form.
Volunteers for the lunch delivery are asked to meet at the kitchen by 11:45 for lunch sorting as required and classroom delivery.
If you know that your child will miss the hot lunch date and you can still edit the order online (before midnight the Sunday, the week before) you can delete the order, any payment already made will be credited to your account, if your child is sick and cannot make it then you Must email us by 10 am the morning of the lunch with instructions on what you would like done with the Lunch ie. held in fridge, given away, or picked up. You can reach us by clicking on the help tab and then Support Request.
Thank you very much for your support, we appreciate any feedback that you may have, and if anybody wants to help with hot lunches or learn how to run this site please contact me.
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